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A Sought-After All-Rounder

A Sought-After All-Rounder

Reading time for this article: 3 minutes

Dominik operates in prefabrication at the BSH site in Traunreut. He sets up big machines in preproduction. “I operate equipment with a press force of 400 metric tons”, he explains. “I am responsible for the quality of both large and small components and for correcting minor faults.“

Good ideas and opinions count.

Home appliances for the entire world are developed and manufactured at the production facility in Traunreut. Since 1952, many global innovations have originated here, such as the first built-in kitchen stove. On average, over two million appliances are manufactured per year.

Dominik was trained by BSH as an industrial mechanic. These are sought-after all-rounders in the job market of manufacturing companies. During the three-and-a-half-year training period, he learned everything he has to know to ensure smooth workflows in the site. “I have felt very comfortable here in the site right from the beginning. Here is a good working atmosphere, and the colleagues stick together no matter what happens. So you enjoy going to work at a place like that.”


As a highly qualified, skilled worker, Dominik was able to start a career immediately after his apprenticeship. His job in the production setting is quite varied, and he likes that. “I work at different presses with an assortment of tools. These change in the course of time too, because we are always improving them. I also work with the production planners to find the best possible solution in any given situation so that problems can be resolved quickly. Everyone is called upon to use their heads and contribute their own ideas — the work is fun!”

Naturally, Dominik can discuss his ideas with the planners directly. But he also has the option of submitting them to BSH through the employee suggestion system “top idea.” “For example, if the same malfunction occurs repeatedly with a certain machine or piece of equipment, I think about what has to happen in order to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. Really good ideas earn not just honor and glory but money too,” he laughs.

And that is something Dominik can certainly use. In addition to playing soccer, above all, he dreams to travel the world. One of his dream destinations is Brazil. “My mother is Brazilian, and I have family there. I would really like to visit them some day.”

Digitization is increasingly setting the agenda at BSH in production too. The conversion to new technologies offers Dominik many opportunities for his own future. “Work will undergo major changes in the coming years. We are always having to learn new things so we can carry out more demanding activities. I see great opportunities there for further education. And I know I will have the support of BSH all the way.”

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People at BSH
People at BSH
People at BSH

BSH all over the world.

BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, with a total turnover of some EUR 15.6 billion and 62,000 employees in 2022, is a global leader in the home appliance industry. The company’s brand portfolio includes eleven well-known appliance brands like Bosch, Siemens, Gaggenau and Neff as well as the ecosystem brand Home Connect and service brands like Kitchen Stories. BSH produces at 40 factories and is represented in some 50 countries. BSH is a Bosch Group company.