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Talentify members from BSH Spain take sustainability further

Talentify members from BSH Spain take sustainability further

Reading time for this article: 3 minutes

Advancing sustainability has gone from being necessary to being an urgent matter. The involvement of everyone is key and the role that companies play in this matter is important. This was the first message a group of Talentify members received when they were asked to take action.

A pilot project conducted at BSH Spain

In 2019, a group of Talentify – BSH´s global talent program – members located in Spain – together with the local Board of Management – decided to study how BSH Spain was consciously or unconsciously impacting the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). Initially, the members decided to run a pilot to check how the actions and initiatives of two specific departments impacted the SDGs.  

After the successful pilot, the initiative was extended to the rest of the departments in BSH Spain in 2021. 

As a result, it is now possible to identify the most relevant actions in each department with a simple matrix and how they are impacting each of the SGDs. The matrix shows a complete list of all the sustainability activities in BSH Spain and can also be used to identify how the company contributes to the development of the pillars of BSH's sustainability strategy: People, Prosperity and Planet.  This information will be used to further develop the BSH Sustainability Strategy within BSH Spain.  

Talentify offers learning and networking opportunities at BSH

“The experience has been really interesting for me in terms of learning”, explains Alejandro Lopez Ruiz, member of the Talentify program. 

“I had the opportunity to learn and extend what SDGs mean, the importance they have, and how companies can impact them. We have learned what BSH Spain is currently doing to impact the SDGs and we have given impulses for the sustainability strategy. The result has been that BSH Spain is currently making over 193 initiatives that directly impact the SDGs. In our sessions with different managers, we had also the opportunity to discover and suggest new actions to address SDGs in the future and to recommend how to measure the impact of these actions in each of the SDGs with relevant Key Performance Indicators. I feel we have contributed to extending the sustainability mindset to the rest of the employees in BSH Spain.”

“Networking with colleagues from other departments that are also part of the Talentify Community has been one of the main benefits I take from this experience”, says Talentify member Alvaro Alonso Lozano. 

“I also had the chance to discover other departments and business areas, not directly related with my daily tasks and to meet and discuss with the BSH Spain directors about strategic topics. In general, having the opportunity to participate in the global talent program has been a privilege and an opportunity for professional development and learning.”

Alvaro and Alejandro agree that they feel like they are part of the beginning of a big change. They consider it a great opportunity to make something positive during their Talentify journey, participating in a real project where they can develop themselves and bring benefits to the company at the same time. 

In short, they now feel like ambassadors of BSH’s Sustainability Development Goals.

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BSH all over the world.

BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, with a total turnover of some EUR 15.6 billion and 62,000 employees in 2022, is a global leader in the home appliance industry. The company’s brand portfolio includes eleven well-known appliance brands like Bosch, Siemens, Gaggenau and Neff as well as the ecosystem brand Home Connect and service brands like Kitchen Stories. BSH produces at 40 factories and is represented in some 50 countries. BSH is a Bosch Group company.