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BSH Talentify Tandem: A perfect symbiosis for development

BSH Talentify Tandem: A perfect symbiosis for development

Reading time for this article: 5 minutes

Your job, your talent, your opportunity! Talentify is BSH’s development program that gives employees - the opportunity to self-responsibly drive their personal and professional development – A Talent Guide – an experienced BSH employee – can support! This connection is known as the Talentify Tandem. Johann, a Talentify member and his Talent Guide Christoph gave a short interview and talked about their experiences as a tandem and what they have learned from it.

What is Talentify exactly?

The Talentify program addresses BSH employees who are highly motivated to contribute to BSH success as well as to drive change in their area of responsibility. Talentify allows its members to connect and exchange with other talented employees and experience the important strategic topics, which will shape the future of BSH.

The program itself is made up of several different elements, all designed to provide measures for the participants according to their individual needs. It connects BSH talent from across the globe, strengthening the exchange of knowledge and experiences, and supporting intercultural exchange. 

Every Talentify member can choose their own Talent Guide as a sparring partner. They support the members in their development, in a non-hierarchical context. Guides can work in different departments and even different countries – the key to success is a regular and open communication.

Christoph is Johann’s Talent Guide and we asked him a few questions about his experiences.



How long have you worked for BSH and how did you become a Talent Guide? 

I’ve been working for BSH for more than 25 years. Approximately four years ago I heard about the Talentify program and decided to participate as a Talent Guide. After a regular registration process, I had a call with Human Resources and was given the chance to be a guide.

What is your purpose as a Talent Guide and what does your role involve?

I had a very positive experience with a member of Senior Management in my own career. He was acting as kind of a mentor as well and was my go-to person in case I needed an additional opinion. My role as a Talent Guide is similar and by supporting the development of other employees at BSH I can give back what I had experienced myself.

I have regular meetings with talents and take my time to listen to them. I try to give them a different perspective on things and provide directions upon requests. In addition, I discuss their career plans with them and open doors through my personal network.

How do you support Johann in particular and what do you learn from him?

We have regular meetings every second month either as virtual meetings or face-to-face in the office. I give my best to have an open dialogue - and share my own experiences with him to add a new or different perspective to his experiences. 

On the other hand, he gives me interesting insights into the world of product management and shows me the perspective of a young BSH professional on various aspects of our business including his view on leadership, cooperation, career and values. I enjoy that he is very self-reflected and open-minded and it is fun to see what talented and motivated folks we have at BSH. 

We asked: Johann, a Talentify member


How long have you worked at BSH and what is your role? 

My career at BSH started in March 2013, 8.5 years ago. I work as a Product Strategy Consultant in the area of Surface Cooking & Ventilation right now, and previously worked at Product Marketing Ventilation in the Region Europe.

How do you work together with your Talent Guide Christoph? 

We have a strong connection through our Talentify Tandem and his mentorship for me. Most likely we will also be working professionally together regarding Operations steering for Surface & Ventilation products in the future.

What have you learnt so far through the mentoring program? 

I have learned a lot, but my biggest learning is to always try to understand both the factual as well as the emotional side in any given situation or conversation. Trying to balance those two and to add my own perspective as well has helped me to master several tough situations.

Have any of these learnings changed the way you work or deal with situations? 

My participation in the Talentify program has helped me to reflect on what motivates and inspires me to bring the company and myself forward. Moreover, it helped me to improve how I motivate others around me, and how I can bring them with me on that journey.

How would you describe the talent guide mentoring in three words? 

  • Supportive
  • Challenging
  • Inspiring

Thank you, Christoph and Johann, for your interesting insights!

Do you want to learn more about the Talentify program?
Click here



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BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, with a total turnover of some EUR 15.6 billion and 62,000 employees in 2022, is a global leader in the home appliance industry. The company’s brand portfolio includes eleven well-known appliance brands like Bosch, Siemens, Gaggenau and Neff as well as the ecosystem brand Home Connect and service brands like Kitchen Stories. BSH produces at 40 factories and is represented in some 50 countries. BSH is a Bosch Group company.