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Unusual Jobs at BSH: The Psychologist for User Experience
What do consumers deeply care about and how can we develop the best solutions for them to improve the quality of their lives at home? We talked to Henning Brau and asked him, why a Psychologist is particularly suited to answer these questions. In his job as User Experience Manager he uses his skills to better understand consumers needs and enable other people to work consumer-centred.

Unusual Jobs at BSH: Scout for Digital Business Ideas
Ion Hauer, who has a PhD in physics, recently joined BSH. He does not conduct scientific series of tests or measurements, however, but works as what is called a “Digital Business Model Scout” in a new department that looks all over the world for new and innovative digital business models. The department’s name is the BSH Digital Business Unit and its goal is to prepare the company for its role as an industry leader for digital services in the connected kitchen.